Ben Zegers

Ben Zegers, foto Marcel Douwe Dekker

Ben Zegers (1962) ‘disrupts the dimensions of things’. His statues are so elastic in form and content that they ceaselessly change their identity. In that way, they play an ongoing game with the expectations and physical presence of the viewer. The artist settled in Rotterdam in 1988, and Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen devoted a solo exhibition to the artist in 1993. In 1994, Zegers received the Charlotte Köhler Prize from the Prince Bernhard Fund. Zegers’ works can be seen at various public locations in Rotterdam, for example the Raamvertellingen (Window Tales) in Pendrechtse Melissantstraat, and the Vaart Vrij! monument to trade unionist Edo Fimmen in Katendrecht.
